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December 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting

II.A. Announcement by the chairperson whether a quorum is present, and that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
II.B. Invocation - Dr. Bill LaBarr former pastor of Plymouth Park Methodist Church.
II.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags - Schulze ES
II.D. Recognition of the Teacher of the Month - Jokasta Maldonado-Mullet, Science Teacher, MacArthur HS
Attachments: (1)
II.E. Recognition of the Employee of the Month - Myriam Rios, Language Assessment and Data Clerk, Administrative Annex
Attachments: (1)
II.F. Recognition of the Guest Educator of the Month - Mikaela Jauregui, Brandenburg ES
Attachments: (1)
II.G. Special Recognition
II.G.1. Recognition of the 2022 IISD Christmas Card Winner, Nusrat Sultana from Travis Middle School (D. Delgado/G. Lawrence)
Attachments: (1)
II.H. Public Hearing Regarding the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST Report) (F. Natividad)
Attachments: (1)
II.I. Public Comment
Description:  Individuals wishing to address the Board on agenda items or make comments regarding issues not on the agenda will be heard at this time.
III.A. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda Items:
III.A.1. Consider Approval of Minutes of November 14, 2022 (M. Hernandez)
Attachments: (2)
III.A.2. Consider Approval of Financial Statement for October 2022 ( A.D. Jenkins)
Attachments: (1)
III.A.3. Consider Approval of Resolution and Order No. 22-23-03 Authorizing December Amendment to the 2022-2023 Budget (A.D. Jenkins)
Attachments: (1)
III.A.4. Consider Acceptance of Gifts and Donations to the District
Attachments: (1)
III.B. Consider Approval of the Naming of MacArthur Gymnasium (R. Randle)
III.C. Consider Approval for the Proposed Changes to the 2022-2023 Student and Teacher Calendars (R. Lizardo)
III.D. Consider Approval of the Termination of a Chapter 21 Probationary Contract Employee, E. Valencia Cuervo, Before the End of the Contract Term for the Reasons Set Forth in the Attached Notice of Proposed Termination (JC Martinez.J. Acosta/L. Hill)
Attachments: (1)
IV.A. Written Reports
IV.A.1. Division Reports
IV.A.1.a. Business Services
*Total Tax Collections
*Investment Earnings
  • Total Tax Collections
  • Payroll
  • Investment Earnings
Attachments: (1)
IV.A.1.b. Support Services
*Monthly Maintenance Work Order Summary Report for December (A. Smith)
  • Monthly Maintenance Work Order Summary Report
Attachments: (1)
IV.A.1.c. Human Resources
  • Employment, Resignations Action Report
  • Changes in Compensation for Contract Employee(s) Report
IV.B. Announcements
IV.B.1. Administration
IV.B.1.a. Superintendent Announcement(s)
IV.B.2. Board of Trustees
IV.B.2.a. Individual Trustee Report on IISD Student Activity/Event
V. EXECUTIVE SESSION - The Board may recess the Open Meeting and reconvene in a Closed Meeting pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code and as authorized by Sections 551.071-551.076 and 551.082-551.084 therefore of
V.A. Section 551.071 - To seek the advice of the Board's attorney about:
V.A.1. Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Offer, or Matter Under Investigation
V.A.2. A Matter in Which the Professional Duty of the Attorney to the Board Conflicts with the Applicable Provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
V.B. Section 551.072  -  To deliberate the purchase, exchange, sale, lease or value of real property if such deliberation in open session would have a detrimental effect on the Board’s position in negotiations with a third party
V.C. Section 551.074  -  To deliberate the appointment, employment, resignation, evaluation, reassignment, proposed nonrenewals, termination, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.
VI. RECONVENE from Closed Meeting for Action Relative to Items Covered in Such Meeting.
VI.A. Consider Action by the Board Related to Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Offer, or Matter Under Investigation

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